Top 10k strings from Picrema (1993)(Radical Alternative Software).tzx
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3 '"Line ";k;" not found": 3 "Enter pic line number"'"(";L;("-"+ 2 23638-82": 2 23637+256* 2 '"SCREEN$ not loaded": 2 "NO PIC PRESENT ": 1 {L9882}by Garry Rowland 1 {L9882}You can check which graphic is in which REM with option 3, display pic. When satisfied, select the extract option to delete BASIC leaving your REMs. Save your graphics REMs to merge with your program later. 1 {L9882}This contains 26 clipart PICREMS which can be used in your own programs. The clips have been taken from OUTLET, but include five new graphics. Save the clip you want, then use an art program to colour and scale it to the size. Use the PICREMA to create your own REM version. 1 {L9882}Select option 9, load SCREEN$. Load your screen then select option 1, create REM. Enter the line number. The keys required to control window size and position are displayed. The SCREEN$ file would then be displayed and a "grab" window opened at the centre of the screen. Move the window over the part of the screen required for pic1 and press ENTER. 1 {L9882}Make a note of the line numbers you want your graphics stored at. You can use any line between 1000 and 9889. 1 {L9882}A graphics demo using PICREMS. All the graphics used in this demo may be used in your own programs - should you ever need a planet!. 1 {L9882}A PICREM can be displayed on screen using FN u(l,x,y,a). Where l is the line number of the REM, X is in range 0-31 and y 0-21. X,Y gives the position of the top left-hand corner of the graphic, any other part of the graphic may be off screen. The last parameter, a, is used to indicate if graphic or screen attributes are to be used. Set a=8 if you want to print the graphic without affecting screen attributes. Any other value will display the graphic's attributes. 1 {L9882}9999 1 {L9882}9905 1 {L9881}USING THE UNPAK REM 1 {L9881}USING PICREMA 1 {L9881}THE PLANETS DEMO 1 {L9881}PICREMA 1 {L9881}CLIPART DEMO 1 x;"UP - TO THIS PAGE"; 1 x;"Radical Alternative Software"' 1 x;"RIGHT - NEXT PAGE"; 1 x;"Press key S now to SAVE ""READ_ME"""' 1 x;"Press key P now to PRINT-OUT to #3";#1 1 x;"OR ENTER PAGE NUMBER"'' 1 s(p(i),234 1 picrem.doc 1 p(i)=p(p): 1 p(i);" REM "; 1 in your program. 1 h);", or 0 for menu)" 1 eg: 9906 AND USR 65456 1 You will need to include lines 9890 and 9905 in your program to display your graphics. It is best to keep a seperate copy of these lines to merge with your own programs. These lines can be extracted by BREAKing into PICREMA and entering LET d=FN x(9890,9905). 1 When a GOSUB is made to this line, the BASIC statements calculate the address of the code hidden in the same line. This is called only once to install REMUSR in the UDG RAM. REMUSR allows other routines to be called by their line number, 1 To create the another REM simply repeat the procedure. Use option 5 to list the REMs and show the length of each graphic. 1 This line is used only once to install PICPKA above RAMTOP. PICPAK is called using a BASIC defined function which passes the line number and REM name. PICPAK opens a window, grabs the screen and creates the REM. 1 This is called by a BASIC defined function. It uncompacts the graphic at the given line and coordinates. An attribute flag is used to allow use of either graphic's or screen's attributes. See page 6. 1 This is called by a BASIC defined function. It looks for a code at the indicated line. It returns the address of the code or zero if not found. 1 This is called by a BASIC defined function. It extracts all lines between and including the line numbers given. You can extract the code routines for use in your own programs. BREAK and enter LET d=FN x(9890,9999). REMUSR must be included for these programs to work. 1 Remember to include the line: 1 Picrema 1 PICREMA makes use of a number of machine code routines hidden in REMs. The routines are: 1 PICREMA is a new utility that makes illustrating your BASIC programs with clipart and SCREEN$ as easy as printing text. 1 PFN-PRINT3 1 Or you may want to use a graphic from a different SCREEN$. Select option 9 again. Select option 0, show SCREEN$ if you need reminding which screen is present. 1 Load PICREMA. The program is menu driven, just press the option number required. The eighth option is blank for your own use (CAT etc.). Your statements can be placed at line 960 and menu string in line 840 ammended. 1 L);"...",: 1 For example, LET d=FN u(9000,16,12,0) would print colour graphics in line 9000 halfway across and halfway down the screen. LET d=FN u(9000,0,0,8) would print graphics at the top left-hand in the colours already set on the screen. 1 =999J)=9999 1 =990a)=9905 1 =990C)=9907 1 ;"|P R I N T I N G|" 1 ;"{L9881}"; 1 ;"Press a key to display SCREEN$",: 1 ;"LEFT - TURN BACK"' 1 ;"Enter print width (32-80)"; 1 ;"DOWN - TO LAST PAGE"' 1 ;"24 Parsloes Avenue, Dagenham RM9 5NX" 1 ;" bytes)",: 1 ;" SAVE PICREMA PROGRAM", 1 ;" RE-NAME PIC REM...", 1 ;" PIC at line ";k;":", 1 ;" P I C R E M A",, 1 ;" LOAD SCREEN$",, 1 ;" DISPLAY PFN PIC...", 1 ;" DELETE PIC REM...", 1 ;" CURRENT PIC REMS:", 1 ;" CREATE PIC REM...", 1 ;" 1 CREATE REM"," 6 EXTRACT"," 2 RE-NAME PIC"," 7 SAVE PICREMA"," 3 DISPLAY PIC"," 8 -"," 4 DELETE REM"," 9 LOAD SCREEN$"," 5 LIST REMS"," 0 SHOW SCREEN$", 1 1993, Garry Rowland (Public Domain) 1 10 GOSUB 9890: DEF FN u(l,x,y,a)=9905 AND USR 65456 1 ,x;"|R ~E A ~D M E|"; 1 ,x;"{L9882}Documentation for PICREMA (PD)"; 1 ,x;"Principle publisher:"' 1 ,x;"Cursor controls:"' 1 ,,"REM ";k;" CREATED",,,: 1 '"Program not saved": 1 '"Press a key to save": 1 '"Pics not extracted": 1 '"Pic at line ";k;" deleted" 1 '"NO PICS PRESENT ",: 1 '"ARE YOU SURE? (Y/N)" 1 "SCREEN$ NOT PRESENT": 1 "REM not created": 1 "Pics will not be saved with"'"PICREMA... Delete pics? (Y/N)" 1 "Pic grabber keys:"'"Q = UP"'"A = DOWN"'"O = LEFT"'"P = RIGHT"'"CURSOR KEYS = WINDOW SIZE"'"ENTER = GRAB PIC"'' 1 "PIC REM NOT FOUND ": 1 "PIC FILE FULL ": 1 "Name not changed": 1 "NOTHING DELETED": 1 "NO PICS PRESENT ": 1 "NO PIC PRESENT",: 1 "Load over current SCREEN$? (Y/N)": 1 "Line ";k;" already used"'"Load new pic over it? (Y/N)" 1 "Enter new name:";k$: 1 "Enter line number"'"(1000-9889 or 0 for menu)"'k: 1 "Enter SCREEN$ filename:"'f$: 1 " DELETE BASIC, "," Leaving lines ";L;("-"+ 1 USER MENU OPTION 1 SHOW SCREEN$ 1 SAVE PROGRAM 1 RE-NAME PIC 1 PICREMA by G.Rowland (public domain) 1 LOAD SCREEN$ 1 LIST REMS 1 GET HIGH & LOW PICREM 1 EXTRACT REMS 1 DISPLAY PIC 1 DELETE PIC REM 1 CREATE PIC REM 1 Any printer init. to go on this line. CR only control code sent to #3